cold lay up Malaysia

Maritime Protection Measures To Practice In Your Ship

Whether your ship is on a voyage to deliver cargo or in a cold lay up Malaysia for maintenance, safety remains a major priority for your ship to ensure that anything such as cargo and crew are safe in the waters and the vessel itself remains intact. Even if its safety is breached, the dangers must be controlled as best as possible to avoid extensive damages that would render it inoperable for good.

While dangers may involve faulty machinery or other functions, people are a different type altogether. If you happen to be stranded or ported in what appears to be hostile territory, your safety is guaranteed to be compromised at any time. Thus, it is important that you must equip your ship beforehand with various safety measures, and see that they remain intact.


Your ship is not a static metal tub waiting to be climbed aboard and hijacked or damaged. If the situation permits, you can increase your ship’s speed and maneuver it drastically to evade it to the best of its ability.  Maneuvering training must be conducted for every crew so they are familiar with evasive movements to be executed should they be pursued by hostilities.

Avoidance maneuvers at constant speeds are effective in pushing back an attack thanks to hydrostatic pressure. If speed fails, then a step aside maneuver must be performed. This is a diagnostic action designed to test and determine the intentions of a newly detected vessel. A CPA of less than 2nm means that the course must be altered and the vesseled continuously monitored to see if it gives chase to keep the CPA intact.

At this point, your suspicions would already be confirmed and you must set your ship to its maximum speed and sound the alarm.


Your crew also counts in the maintenance of your ship’s safety. An observant pair of eyes are helpful in detecting any distant, incoming threats. Every round lookouts must be done at elevated platforms and rotations of watch periods should be kept short so alertness can be maximized without the cost of your crew’s tiredness.

Anti-glare binoculars are great tools for watchkeeping the surroundings of your ship, especially to the bridge team. All navigational warnings and communications should be kept up to date and monitored. You can also place dummies to give a false impression of your crew’s supposed great numbers. Lastly, CCTVs and searchlights must be maintained.


Aside from warning the crews of imminent danger, alarms must sound distinctive for each different type or situation to avoid confusion. Every crew must be familiarized with the alarm’s sounds including warnings and all-clear. You should back your alarms with verbal announcements in the PA system and accommodations.

Carry out alarm drills so it can be heard throughout your ship and your crew getting used to performing safety maneuvers the second they hear them. Drills are also utilized to confirm the time necessary for crews to be in their positions.

Physical barriers

cold lay up Malaysia is wired

To make hostile boarding difficult in your ship, place physical barriers around it. Consider placements carefully, especially when your ship has sunken poop decks. Tools you can use to barricade your ship include razor wires, water sprays and foam monitors.

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