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What To Know Before Buying OTC Medicines

The best college of pharmacy may not even be needed to know that you can buy medicines without prescriptions and a doctor’s appointment. After all, it is just a cold or headache that you are going through. So far, no other symptoms show up, and it is easier and quicker to buy over the counter meds. Right?

Sure, but do keep in mind that you best heed some facts about OTC medicines before buying them. Why? Read on, and you may think twice. No one is stopping you from choosing OTC medicines, but just because they are widely available in pharmacies, don’t mean that they are risk-free.


OTC medicines still carry adverse effects that may harm you if taken incorrectly with a blindfold over your eyes so you won’t read the instruction labels. Some people might be allergic to certain medicines, and some of them aren’t right for you if you are experiencing certain symptoms or medical conditions.

For instance, if you are a victim of high blood pressure, you shouldn’t take decongestants at all. This same medicine shouldn’t also be taken if you are a man with an enlarged prostate unless you want to have difficulty peeing.

Furthermore, OTC medicines are not safe if you are a pregnant mother, instead you must absolutely check with your healthcare provider before you can take the right medicines.

Never take beyond the dosage instructed on the labels. Never even rely on OTC medicines any longer. If your symptoms still persist, the clinic or hospital is your next destination. Time for prescriptions.


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You might buy OTC medicines because of the price. There are meds that are as cheap as five or even ten bucks. Have a cold or fever? Here, buy this cheap pill and work yourself from there. Though they may work as long as you follow the correct dosage, the price doesn’t always reflect the effectiveness of every medicine. When in doubt, ask a pharmacist first of which medicine to take under their recommendation.

You could also chime in with your healthcare provider about the OTC medicine that you are taking as of late and your medical condition. They may be able to point out the right medicines you can take as well as anything wrong with said OTC meds if you actually bring it along to your next appointment.

If you can buy prescriptions but still want to rely on an OTC medicine first, then do so and see if your symptoms fade away. Otherwise, you will have to stick to prescriptions and possibly never touch those meds again, because they fail at their jobs.

Overall, don’t be a cheapskate. For the sake of your health, when you can definitely afford it, just buy based on your pharmacist or healthcare provider. Health is more valuable than money, and you cannot afford to make yourself worse. At least if you lose money, you can regain it through your pay.

If you are seriously ill, definitely avoid OTC medicines and go to the hospital or clinic. Sure, it might be a bummer to you that you have to spend a quarter of your savings to buy proper prescriptions, but at least you have a chance to regain your health.

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